Suitable for Top Difficulty presets only. Brought back from v1.4FULL.ģ) "InfiniteAmmo" =Infinite ammo, but damage is default. The successor to v1.4AO.Ģ) "RealisticCombat" = "DefaultAmmo version" with increased weapon damgae for AI and Player and Henchmen. It's not mine,all credits go to teh original authors which I listed in the credits section.ġ) "DefaultAmmo" = Default ammo, magsize and weapon damage, including balanced new heavy weapons. Supports 7 languages: ENG, FRA, ITA, ESN, DEU, POL, RUS. Includes 4 combat versions, "Lite" version (without additional keybinds) and beloved OnlyArmor version. Installer offers different presets of modifications.