: 602 415 932, Po -Pá 7 - 15.30 Disassociates camera rotation from character rotation during combat stance so it … When that didn't work I tried the 1st person fix. This would become a certainty if I know that I will be able to play it entirely in 3rd person. This is also fresh out of new character creation, and I've toggled Sneak mode on and off - so it's not me sneaking and not knowing it. For example, fDefaultWorldFOV=90.0 will set the FOV to 90 degrees. First Person Camera fix for Carriage driving - posted in Skyrim Special Edition Mod Requests: Khajiit Hearthfires is a fun and immersive mod but unfortunately I like playing in 1st person which is possible, but not practical as your point of view is that of your crotch. Perhaps you can accomplish this by "scaling" up your Player. First person camera in skyrim is making bug-like movements, how do I fix this? Skyrim Regular Mods Body Replacers 1st Person Double Body Bug Fix 1st Person Double Body Bug Fix 1.0. The HUD will be completely invisible unless the Dragonborn is crouching. :D – user18234 Jan 13 '12 at 8:21 Ive tried remapping the controls but nothing seems to happen. Hey, So I generally play Nord characters and I've noticed that the 1st person camera has me either at NPC's neck or chest. Camera stuck in floor in third person - posted in Skyrim Technical Support: hello! It only happens if Dawnguard is loaded even if you have never actually been into … Animations will be broken as well, i.e.